About Me

I am Ashish Anand , PERSONAL TRAINER, FITNESS NUTRITION SPECIALIST, SENIOR FITNESS SPECIALIST and also did a course bundle on TRINING FOR PRENATAL AND POSTNATAL CLIENTS from ACE (American council on Exercise). I have been associated with gym training from the past 8 years. I aim to provide best-in-class Training Programs for all and Personalized training Programs 100% structured and tailored to your body, your goals, your eating habits and your schedule. Together with you, I target to optimize your health and enable personal reinvention.After all fitness isn’t just about how you look, rather it speaks your lifestyle and your choices.

My journey towards fitness started right from my childhood. Like most kids, one could always find me on the ground playing one or the other sport. My fondest memories from childhood are taking part in the national level inter school sport tournaments and racing on athletic tracks, Winning in stale level Karate competitions. However post school, lack of an environment that promoted sports slowly drove me away from it.

I always think of my undergrad phase as learning in two domains .4 years of mechanical engineering  was accompanied by regular work outs in the gym, learning about fitness, types of exercises and nutrition . I personally experimented with different diets to guage them on pros,cons and suitability of each kind.

I always think of my undergrad phase as learning in two domains .4 years of mechanical engineering  was accompanied by regular work outs in the gym, learning about fitness, types of exercises and nutrition . I personally experimented with different diets to guage them on pros,cons and suitability of each kind.  My corporate job that followed my engineering days was an eye opener and had me realise how busy one can get at work  forgetting one’s own mental and physical health. I saw how  stress, bad food choices, lack of exercise and sleep was showing up on everyone around me. In due course, I realised that fitness is a conscious choice and this got me thinking as to what can make it easier for people to get there? That’s when Personal trainer as a career started to interest me.

This was also the time my brother had cleared District level Athletics tournament ; despite that he clearly lacked an efficient weight training coach which was crucial for success in further competitions. I gave upon sports due to lack of a fostering surrounding and I could vividly see the possibility of  the same past repeating itself.

Hence, started asking myself – why give reasons and let history repeat? I felt determined to not let bygones be bygones.

So here I am today, a certified personal trainer willing to show you how fitness can fit into your life and guide your journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourse


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